1.) What is Saturday Soccer League (SSL)?
We are a Christian recreational soccer league that meets to play soccer together in a more relaxed, yet still competitive manor, than most city or school leagues. Our main reason for playing is to give glory to God! We focus on learning skills, game play, and sportsmanship in a positive learning environment. We welcome all, but ask you to help maintain our positive atmosphere while encouraging our children to grow and learn soccer, to be kind, considerate, and respectful of others (even those they are versing).
2.) When is registration?
Registration for SSL families takes place during the months of May & June. After July 1st, we will accept those on the waiting list. Returning players – Please make sure to get your forms in on time to assure that you keep your spot on a team.
3.) What are the fees?
When you sign up, it is for 2 seasons of play. The fee is for both fall and spring seasons. (In that order) The fees are $45.00 for Senior, Junior, Elementary & Pee Wee players. There is a family maximum of $200.00. The fees include: team uniform shirt, soccer socks, extra equipment needed (goals, soccer balls, etc.), paint to line fields, first aid materials, referee fees, and awards.
4.) What if sign up half way thru the year and just play spring, do I get to play in fall as well?
No, With the new year starting in the fall all the teams are rearranged and a new year begins. If you join halfway thru and just play the last season (Spring) You will then half to sign up again in the fall for it is a new year. The cost is the same to cover team uniform shirt, soccer socks, extra equipment needed (goals, soccer balls, etc.),
5.) What is the age range?
We have 4 leagues: Senior, Junior, Elementary, and Pee Wee. There are 4 teams for each league, except Pee Wee which has one main group that divides into smaller groups for game play. Players are put on teams based on the year they were born but the general age range is:
Senior - 14-18 years
Junior - 10-13 years
Elementary - 7-9 years
Pee Wee - 4-6 years
6.) Where and when do you meet?
We play at Schneider Park in Akron (There is a map on the website @ www.saturdaysoccerleague.org). We meet for 8 Saturdays in the fall during September and October, and 8 Saturdays in the spring during April and May. The times for individual teams are varied, but we start at 9:15 and are over around 12:00pm. The Pee Wee leagues meet from 10:00am-11:00am. The starting time of the older league depends upon which game they play. There are two games per Saturday, 10:00am-11:00am and 11:00am-12:00pm. If your child plays in the first game, he/she should be ready to start practice by 9:15am. If your child plays in the second game, he/she should be ready to start practice by 10:00am.
7.) What do my kids need for the first day of soccer?
On the first day, we will hand out uniform shirts and soccer socks. We will introduce you to your coach and team. Each child should have shin guards, shorts or sweats, soccer cleats (tennis shoes are fine for pee wee league), a water bottle and can bring a soccer ball labeled with name.
8.) What if my child can’t make it to all the games?
Attendance is important! We understand that you may not be able to attend all games. If you cannot attend a game, notify your coach in advance. Please try not to miss more than two games per season.
9.) What if I would like to coach my child’s team?
We are usually in need of coaches. If you would like to coach, email us at glorifyssl@gmail.com. Please state which level you would like to coach. Head coaches will receive one free player registration and a shirt. Assistant coaches are always welcome. If an assistant would like a shirt they can pay for one at $20 a shirt.
10.) What if I would like to Referee the games?
We are usually in need of referees. If you would like to Referee, email us at glorifyssl@gmail.com. Please state which level you would like to Referee. Referee will receive one free player registration and a shirt.
11.) I do not want to coach, but is there anything else I can help with?
Of course! We need people to come at 8:45am to set up goals.
12.) I would like to sponsor or donate to the league?
For Sure! We always work with local companies and families to better the league. Please email glorifyssl@gmail.com to talk about how you can support.